
Combatting Post-COVID Syndrome With Dr. Walraven

Combatting Post-COVID Syndrome With Dr. Walraven

As everybody knows we are facing a worldwide pandemic. Even in the people that have had mild symptoms, up to a third of them may have symptoms several months down the road. We are calling that Post-COVID Syndrome, or you may have also heard of the term “long haulers.” Everybody comes to the table with different experiences and different symptoms. Common symptoms may include sleep disturbances, mood disturbances, neurologic changes, brain fog, loss of taste, breathing difficulty, joint pain, chest pain and mild to severe fatigue.

Patients at Greater Risk for Developing Post-COVID Syndrome Include:

  •       Adults over 50 years old
  •       Individuals who have suffered a more severe case of COVID-19
  •       People with underlying health concerns, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiopulmonary issues

Although patients with these risk factors may be at a greater risk, even patients with no symptoms or light symptoms can develop Post-COVID syndrome. If you think you are suffering from Post-COVID syndrome, schedule a consultation with our Ageless Wellness Center team.

The Ageless Wellness Center Answer to Post-COVID Syndrome

We use supplements, IV infusions, and other therapies to specifically address symptoms. Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan which could incorporate a variety of methods, including dietary changes, IV infusions, stem cell therapy, peptide therapy, and more. If you have recovered from COVID-19 but you cannot seem to completely kick the symptoms, reach out to Ageless Wellness Center. We want to help you regain your wellness and experience relief from COVID-19. 

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