
Get Summer Ready, Head-to-Toe. Sun Damage, Cellulite & Spider Vein Treatments

Get Summer Ready, Head-to-Toe. Sun Damage, Cellulite & Spider Vein Treatments

Summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about getting beach-ready! Many people struggle with sun damage, cellulite, and spider veins. Luckily, we offer treatments to help reduce the appearance and effects of these issues. This blog post will discuss our different treatments and how they can help you look and feel your best this summer.

Sun Damage

Sun damage can cause wrinkles, discoloration, and lesions on the skin. To combat this, we offer various treatments to improve your skin’s appearance. Some of our most popular treatments include chemical peels, photo facials, microdermabrasion, and laser treatments. These procedures are designed to reduce sun damage and improve the look and feel of your skin.


Cellulite is a typical fat deposit located underneath the skin. It can cause the area to look lumpy, and it affects both thin and heavy individuals. We offer two treatments to reduce cellulite: Synergie and Viora V-Form treatment. Synergie uses a specialized massage plan with a machine that targets and reduces cellulite. Viora V-Form uses radiofrequency (RF) energy and a vacuum to provide practical, noninvasive cellulite reduction treatments. These treatments are designed to give you smooth and firm skin in any season!

Spider Veins

Spider veins can be caused by medical or family history, age, pregnancy, gender, leg trauma, lack of movement, and obesity. We offer sclerotherapy to reduce the appearance of spider veins on the legs. This procedure involves injecting veins with a solution that scars and closes them, rerouting the blood into healthier veins, and creating a better appearance cosmetically.

Are you ready to get your summer body? With these treatments from Ageless Wellness Center, you can look and feel your best this season! Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how our procedures can help you achieve your desired results.

Get Summer Ready, Head-to-Toe

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