Aesthetic Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Peachtree City

Aesthetic Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Harnessing the Regenerative Power Within

What is Aesthetic PRP Treatment?

PRP begins with a collection of the patient’s blood. The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components of whole blood. PRP contains essential and specific growth factors that assist in tissue regeneration and healing. PRP can be injected under the skin to increase collagen, as well as increase volume (acting as a biologic filler). It can be added to enhance micro needling to help skin regeneration. It can also be used after a laser peel to improve healing. Additionally, it can be used for regeneration of thinning hair.

Aesthetic platelet rich plasma treatment

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment:

  • Experience a natural and organic transformation.
  • Transform your appearance subtly and safely.
  • Undergo a quick process.
  • Enjoy a more affordable cost versus traditional cosmetic measures.
Aesthetic Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Initial Consultation

At Ageless Wellness Center, we recognize that every patient has unique needs so the consultation is crucial for planning your care. We will evaluate your health needs holistically so we can recommend the most suitable services.

Plasma Treatment For Facials

Discussing Needs and
Developing Plan

We recognize you as a partner in reaching your optimal wellness. After listening to your concerns and your desires, we will recommend a customized plan.

Consult For Plasma Treatment

Completing the Procedure

Through your wellness journey, we will walk alongside you as we implement your individualized care plan.

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