
Bye-Bye Femstache

Bye-Bye Femstache
(This guest post is written by a grateful Ageless Wellness client.)
She was a really good friend. And she was completely inebriated at a local charity function when she pointed at my face and said, “We should go wax together.” That was the moment I knew I needed to do something about my femstache.
It’s always been a bit of a problem. With dark, dark brown hair, I used to pluck it in high school. Painful and ineffective.
This time, it took me a few months before I figured out how to handle my hairy lip. In that time, after my drunk friend made my night with her hygienic suggestion, my eleven-year-old son also said to me, a little more direct, “Mommy, you have a mustache.” Great. If he noticed, how many others have who weren’t drunk or tactless have seen my little femstache?
I went in for a facial at Ageless Wellness, because I deserve the best, right? Aesthetician Joan Birdsong, with her charming English accent was preparing to schlep some good-smelling goop on my face, when she said, “I could wax your brows.”
“Hmmm,” I said, “Could you also do something about my femstache?”
“But of course,” she said.
So besides toners and oatmeal masks on my face, she applied a little hot wax, and let it rip. Gone. My femstache was gone. I felt free. And then Joan mentioned that I had a little hair on my chin . . .
Oh no. I’d never even seen that before. She took it off in a jiff. And then she applied all kinds of healing and cooling balms to all of my waxed areas. I had no redness, no problems, just the bliss of a more feminine face.
Joan finished up the facial with more delicious-smelling stuff. And some amazing hot towels. I had to show Nurse Practitioner Linda Faulkner, Office Manager Linda Wright and Chief Financial Officer Karen Sagon my new, improved face as I checked out. (Look! No femstache!)
As I walked out the doors at Ageless Wellness, I felt lighter. Driving home, I repeatedly checked out my visage in my car’s rearview mirror. Bye-bye femstache. You won’t be missed.

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